Contested Divorces and Uncontested Divorces - the Difference


An uncontested divorce is when the divorcing spouses can agree on everything, and they really just need an attorney to prepare their case for final hearing and make sure everything is filed properly with the Court.  These means the divorcing spouses have agreed on the division of assets, spousal support, child support and any parenting issues.  Unfortunately, these cases are not common.  In most cases the parties are divorcing because they cannot agree on many issues and have to dissolve the marriage because of those disagreements.

It is best to discuss your case with your attorney and decide if your case is contested or uncontested.  While contested divorces have a higher price tag, if there are unresolved issues, its best to initiate your case as a contested divorce so that you do not end up paying additional fees involved in converting your case from an uncontested divorce to a contested divorce.

If you have questions or need additional information, give us a call at (321) 306-8718 or email us at [email protected] and set up a 30-minute free phone consultation.